Can it be okay to possess intercourse with my gf if she has mono?

Can it be okay to possess intercourse with my gf if she has mono?

Q: My gf presently has mono and I also have previously had it. Could it be okay whenever we have intercourse? Exactly what are any dangers connected with sex along with her while she has mono?

A: Great question. Seems simple, but actually a lot of levels.

“Mono” (infectious mononucleosis) theoretically means a problem of symptoms – swollen lymph nodes, temperature, throat pain, weakness, etc. – in place of an infection that is specific. Many cases of mono in america are usually due to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) but other viruses, such as for example Cytomegalovirus, may cause mono too. But let’s assume that we’re discussing the EBV version that is usual of.

Then she is almost certainly infectious if your girlfriend has typical symptoms and a blood test that confirmed the diagnosis. EBV concentrates in saliva, so individuals frequently catch it through a coughing, sharing utensils, or many famously, kissing. EBV may be sent in other methods. While not theoretically considered a intimately transmitted disease, one published research shows that EBV are sent through sexual activity and therefore condoms provide some protection.

Most (not totally all) healthier those that have had EBV mono develop resistance to it and don’t become ill from subsequent exposures, generally there is little danger of you mono that is getting in the event that you dudes have intercourse. You certainly will very nearly assuredly be exposed to your girlfriend’s EBV – generally there is a substantial danger you will develop mono again that you will be re-infected, but miniscule risk.

But let’s consider carefully your gf for an extra. Presuming she really feels as much as making love, is it safe on her?

It is unlikely that making love would pose any risks that are particular. Mono will sometimes may cause a person’s spleen to be increased, but, which places them susceptible to having a spleen rupture, a real emergency that is surgical. In reality, we usually tell individuals with mono in order to prevent contact activities and particular other regular activities for a number of days to ensure the spleen has already established time for you come back to normal size. Therefore theoretically, with respect to the vigorousness of this intercourse, there could be a risk of problems for your girlfriend’s spleen.

The seriousness of EBV mono can consist of unnoticeable to serious (sometimes needing hospitalization), with many people dropping someplace in the center. We have no clue where along this range your gf falls, but if she ended up being feeling lousy sufficient to end in the doctor’s workplace, perhaps intercourse is not a real concern on her behalf at this time sex chat rooms? Why don’t you select up some popsicles for her or provide to just simply take her dog for the walk and reassess the intercourse part of each and every day or two… or ten.

James R. Jacobs, M.D., Ph.D. Student Wellness ServicesThe Ohio State University

19 ideas on “ can it be okay to possess intercourse with my gf if she has mono? ”

Imagine if she recovers and seems better? Would it not be okay then to kiss her and now have intercourse together with her?

I Understand Something About A Kid. Should she is told by me mother?

Keep a secret or stop harm that is present?

Published Sep 22, 2011

I will be actually beside myself. My teenager, unlike other teenagers and their moms and dads, confides in me personally a lot. We have constantly prided myself regarding the closeness and quality of y our relationship. Now, i will be asking myself if I would be much better off if my child explained less. The thing is, she confided herself and she doesn’t know what to do about it in me that her friend is cutting. Personally I think that it is overweight a weight for my child along with her buddy to transport and I believe that i ought to inform your ex’s mom. I’ve run this by my better half in which he disagrees. He states it is the teenage woman’s duty to inform her mother and our child should suggest this to her buddy. My better half additionally sugggested that nothing good ever arises from meddling. He believes that speaking with parents about their kids is really a certain solution to make enemies.

We asked my child exactly just just what she need me personally to do and she simply shrugged. My spouce and I have actually agreed that individuals will pay attention to that which you need certainly to state about that matter. Please react as this might be weighing greatly on many of us and I also have always been focused on my child’s buddy whom is actually a pleasant young girl. She has been known by me and her mom considering that the girls had been in kindergarten together.

A torn and mom that is worried

Dear Torn and Worried Mother,

Your query is a fantastic one and pops up extremely often as being a confusing problem for numerous moms and dads. From the one hand, you wish to maintain your child’s self- self- self- confidence but having said that that you do not wish her become holding an encumbrance such as this that she actually is ill-equipped to manage. While your husband makes good point by suggesting that speaking with moms and dads about their kids is exceedingly sensitive—it is nonetheless necessary in certain cases.

In this example, your child’s friend is participating in a dangerous behavior along with her mom ought to know to ensure that she can get her the appropriate help.

My rule in these kinds of circumstances will be think about if you are originating from an accepted host to good intention whenever speaking with the caretaker. In the event that response is yes then by all means speak with her and guarantee her that you have got no intention to gossip about or judge her child but that in an equivalent situation you may wish to understand these records regarding your very own youngster.

Consider, that your particular child might be confiding because she feels overwhelmed by it in you about this situation. Allow her to understand that she doesn’t feel left out of the loop and lose trust in you that you are going to talk to the mother so. Remind her that security constantly comes first. My guess is the fact that your child will feel relieved. Use the chance to pose a question to your very own daughter if she has ever seriously considered participating in this sort of behavior. They generally examine your response to information by explaining it as a pal’s behavior. We did that after we had been teens aswell. Best of luck and I also wish there is a healthier and outcome that is positive everybody else.

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